1. Institution  Developing OPI Institution Availability of organization structure and working procedure of OPI
  1. Availability of a policy paper on the OPI institutional model
  2. Availability of the OPI structure based on the principles of collaboration and co-creation
  3. Availability of OPI working mechanisms (planning, implementation, evaluation and decision making)
  4. Availability of OPI periodic reports
Establish roadmap OPI Availability of Roadmap OPI
  1. Availability of baseline survey of public needs regarding parliament’s information
  2. Availability of assessment regarding enabling environment of OPI
  3. Availability of OPI roadmap
  4. OPI is accepted by stakeholders in the parliament
2. Transparency Strengthening the opennes Availability of  transparency infrastructure as regulated in Public Information Disclosure Act
  1. Availability of guidelines of data management in AKD and the Bureau.
  2. Availability of tools for rating transparency of AKD and its implementation
  3. Revisions of Parliament Regulation on Public Information Openness
3. Participation Improving data management process and legislation information services Publication and access in up-to-date and completed Legislation Information System (SILEG)
  1. Availability of assessment and policy papers on data management and parliament’s minutes of meeting
  2. Increasing the numbers of notaker in AKD
  3. The publication of short report (lapsing) and minutes are much faster and much more accurate
  4. Availability of public participation channels in sileg application.


Improvement of IT utilization Availability of IT aplication for engagement and information services
  1. Availability of assessment and policy papers on online data management and services
  2. Integration and redesign of parliamentary and information services website
  3. Availability of  applications for  participation, aspiration, and information.